Services Offered
  • Accommodation for Visually Impaired with 24 hr Medical Care
  • Social Work interventions on site
  • Orientation and Mobility Training
  • Skills of daily living
  • Cane Furniture Repair and Manufacturing
  • Training on Cane Weaving and Basketry
  • Knitting initiative-
  • Adult Education
  • Computer training
  • HIV/AIDS Outreach Programme
Our purpose:
Residential Care Facility

The organization runs a residential facility, which accommodates visually impaired persons, who for various reasons cannot stay with their families and/or have no families at all. Due to the high cost of living as well as the dire consequences of the global food and financial crises, which heightened in 2009, it is becoming increasingly difficult to adequately provide for the 64 residents in JSB’s care.

Most of the organization’s beneficiaries come from disadvantaged backgrounds and their only source of income is the state-provided disability grant. JSB has a social work department, which works with the beneficiaries, their families, and other role players in order to ensure that the needs of the visually impaired individuals are addressed as best as possible.

With the help of the Gauteng Department of Social Development, Woolworth New Redruth and Woolworth Rose bank. The organisation is able to provide the residents of JSB with nutritious meals as per the norms and standards of running the residential facilities. We currently provide three meals, on a daily basis, to our beneficiaries. We would like to acknowledge our donor’s contribution to our cause, in assisting the blind to walk unafraid, as it is our vision. Howsoever to continue providing holistic services to the blind people we serve, the organisation still faces the struggle to continue seeking for other donors during the current economic climate changes , in order to assist with the admin cost of the organisation which includes; stationery and printing, water, electricity, rates and taxes, staff salaries and volunteers stipends, all of this amounts to over 5 million rand per annum.